Steve and Sherri Kukla, Publishers

Steve & Sherri Kukla are the founders and publishers of S&S Off Road Magazine. They met as teens in 1973 while she was walking her dog in the canyon across the street from her house hoping to meet the dirt bike rider she had heard about. The plan worked and they celebrated 50 years of marriage and off roading in October 2024.

The family owned business relies on contributions from freelancers, race promoters and readers to supply content for the magazine and they enjoy every month bringing fame and smiles to the racers and readers who are featured in the pages of S&S Off Road Magazine.

The magazine began in September 1982 originally called San Diego Off Roader. They incorporated as S&S Publishing Inc. in 2009, changed the magazine name in 2010 and added book publishing to the adventures in 2019.

1962 Chevy apache 4WD